Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank You

Last year at this time I needed oxygen to help me breathe...
Last year at this time I was receiving around the clock care in the ICU...
Last year at this time I wasn't able to hold my little girl...
Last year at this time Nick was scared...
Last year at this time I felt your prayers...

It's a new year. I get a second chance. I am thankful for you.

If you are reading this it's because you were there for me. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to have you in my life. I am writing this now because someone once told me "It's never too late to say thank you".

It was a difficult time and you were there. You called, visited, prayed, made meals, sent flowers, loved on Eryn, slept in a plastic chair by my side, prayed, took Nick to lunch, cleaned my house, sent cards, said "I love you", flew (literally) to check in, prayed, wore yellow gowns, brought me magazines, held my hand...I could go on & on. The support we received was overwhelming.

I believe in the power of GOD. I believe in the power of PRAYER. I believe in the power of FAMILY. I believe in the power of FRIENDSHIP. I believe in the power of YOU!

I will be forever grateful.

Thank you.


  1. You are a strong woman with a beautiful outlook on life. I believe in you and that you are making a difference in many lives--and mine is one of them.

    Love ya Bestie!

  2. This is beautiful Brannan...and I am grateful for you!!!!!!:)
